How It Works

GibWork simplifies the collaboration between project owners and developers in the open source community. This section outlines the platform's workflow, providing a clear guide on how to effectively use GibWork for both project submissions and development contributions.

For Project Owners

Posting a Bounty

  1. Project Submission: As a project owner, your first step is to submit your open source project to GibWork. This involves providing a detailed description of your project and its goals.

  2. Creating a Bounty: Once your project is submitted, you can create specific bounties. A bounty is a task or a set of tasks that you need help with. Clearly describe the scope of work, the skills required, and the deadline.

  3. Setting the Reward: Assign a USDC value to each bounty. This is the amount that a developer will earn upon successful completion of the bounty.

Managing Submissions

  • Review Contributions: When developers submit their work, you'll have the opportunity to review and approve the submissions.

  • Release of Funds: Upon approval, the USDC funds will be released to the developer.

For Developers

Finding and Starting Work

  1. Choosing a Bounty: Browse the list of available bounties on GibWork and select one that matches your skills and interests.

  2. Starting Work: Click the "Start Work" button. This action signals your commitment to the bounty and prompts you to fork the project repository.

Contributing to a Project

  1. Working on the Fork: Make your changes in the forked repository, specifically in a branch that begins with "gib-". This naming convention helps maintain organization and clarity.

  2. Submitting Your Work: Once your work is complete, create a pull request through GibWork. This will alert the project owner to review your contribution.

Claiming Rewards

  • Approval: Wait for the project owner to review and approve your pull request.

  • Claiming USDC: Upon approval, you can claim your USDC reward directly through the platform.

Streamlined Collaboration

GibWork's platform is designed to ensure a smooth, transparent, and efficient process for both project owners and developers. By handling the administrative and transactional aspects, GibWork allows you to focus

Last updated